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The Da Vinci Drone

UMD Students Help Renaissance Master’s 500 Year-old Design Take Flight


Study Shows Mandatory Food Safety Guidelines Needed to Protect Public Health

Laws Show Voluntary Guidelines Insufficient to Prevent Illness Outbreaks, Recalls


Super Bowl Ads: Celebrities, Cars and Crypto

Marketing Professors Say Commercials Offered Shiny View of Life in 2022


Op/ed: Russia Has Europe Hooked on its Gas and Oil

Energy Dependence Blunts Threat of Consequences for Ukraine Aggression


Swipe Left on Dating Stereotypes

Study Reveals Fewer Romances, Little Difference Between App, In-Person Pairings


Researchers Seek Ancient Answers to Safeguard Modern Wheat Strains

$800K USDA Grant Supports Method to Breed in Pathogen, Pest Resistance  


Flourishing Fish on Dry Land

UMD Extension Part of $10M Project to Ensure Prospective Salmon Farmers Aren’t Swimming Upstream


Health Literacy Spans Language Divide

Researchers Help Mobilize Communities to Fight COVID, Other Diseases


Expanding Universe of Knowledge

Astronomers Create New Map of Galaxy Motions, Past and Future


UMD, Partners Look for Ways to Make Children’s Masks Safer

Pioneering Research of Fit, Effectiveness Could Help Lead to Manufacturing Standards


Marketing Experts: Olympics Can Defeat Threats of Pandemic Protocols, Ballooning Costs and Diplomatic Clashes

Studies Show Spirit of International Cooperation, Athleticism Too Valuable to Surrender


Economic Segregation in Schools Rising, Study Finds

Multi-institutional Team Finds That Effect Hits Latino Students Hardest

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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.