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Campus & Community

Fresh Flavors Expand Greater College Park’s Menu

New Restaurants Have Terps Covered for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert


Geologists Explore Tasmania’s Hidden Gems

Through Mud and Mines, Students and Faculty Uncovered Garnets’ Rich Geological Stories


Geologists Explore Tasmania’s Hidden Gems

Through Mud and Mines, Students and Faculty Uncovered Garnets’ Rich Geological Stories

Recent Articles


Robots to the Rescue

Engineering Researchers Develop Autonomous Drones, ‘Dogs’ to Deliver Aid at Disaster Scenes


Alum’s Father Finds ‘Hope and Light’ in Restored Hearing

HESP Grad Turns to Department After Medical Setbacks

Take This Class! A Treat for Students and Pets

Terps Get Hands-On With Common Companion Animal Species

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Language House Language Chats

All are welcome to come practice, improve or share their language skills in a casual setting.

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EXPERTS in the News

That’s largely because the pet food industry is not as closely regulated as the human food industry.

Kristen K. Coleman

Assistant professor of global, environmental and occupational health, on why feeding cats dry food is less risky than canned, which could contain unpasteurized milk

The Washington Post

In Brief

New Paper Suggests Cold Temperatures Trigger Proteins’ Shape Changes

Metamorphic proteins are able to drastically switch between multiple shapes in human, animal and bacterial cells, enabling them to adapt to changing environments and carry out diverse functions. But L ittle is known about how this “shapeshifting” happens.

Baltimore Avenue Lane Closures Scheduled for Purple Line Track Crossing

The contractor building the state’s light-rail Purple Line will close two lanes of Baltimore Avenue in College Park from Hotel Drive to Fraternity Row from on or about March 17 through May 19 to facilitate construction of the tracks across the street. One lane of travel will be open in each direction. See this map for details and sidewalk detours.

Free Tax Preparation Offered Though TerpTax

TerpTax, a University of Maryland-affiliated nonprofit housed at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, is offering free tax preparation services to UMD students and low- to middle-income residents of the College Park community.

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Meet the New Kids at UMD

Campus Farm Welcomes First Dairy Goats


The Age of Skin

Researcher’s Study of Disease That Fatally Ages Children Leads to a Discovery That Could Help Us All Look Younger


Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.