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Cracking the Girl Code

New Center Seeks to Boost Falling Number of Women in Computer Science

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Happy Ever After

The Search for Love Goes Under the Microscope

Researcher’s New Book Delves Into “Happily Ever After”

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Monument Men

The Monuments Man from Maryland

Former Professor Helped Save History in Post-WWII Europe

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Q&A With a Craft Brewer

Jaime Jurado ’83 offers his insights on the growth of craft beer, home brewing and how you can get into the field.

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That Guy

Remembering “That Guy”

Scholarship Honors Pillar of D.C. Music Scene

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Engineering a Better Beer

Alum Champions Sustainability Throughout Brewing World

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Mary Schulman

Savory Success

Founder of Kids’ Snack Company Fills Need, and Tummies

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Monroe’s Doctrine

Using Atoms to Create Superfast Computers

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Nikki Chung

Power From Down Under

Elite Australian Gymnast Brings World-class Talent to UMD Squad

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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.