Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Most Employees to Continue Teleworking After Hogan’s Stay-at-home Order
Photo by John T. Consoli
The university is asking all employees except those still scheduled to work on campus to stay at home, telework if possible and practice social distancing.
Jewel M. Washington, assistant vice president for human relations, sent the following email today to faculty and staff:
As guidance from public health authorities on COVID-19 continues to evolve, I'm writing to share with you the latest updates on how we work. Since my last communication, Gov. Larry Hogan has issued a "stay-at-home" order, effective as of March 30, for the state of Maryland. This directive states "no Maryland resident should leave their home unless it is for an essential job or for an essential reason, such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention, or for other necessary purposes."
This is a reminder that, unless you are one of the designated employees who is scheduled to come to campus, please continue to stay away from campus. We want you to stay home, telework if you can and practice social distancing. This extends the previous telework guidance that was set to expire on April 10.
If you must report on-site for your job, or have a critical need to be on campus, you should have by now established arrangements with your supervisor. Examples of these employees include those needed to safely operate necessary facilities, conduct essential research such as that related to COVID-19, care for animals or support students still living on campus.
For those employees who are not able to telework and are not needed to work on-site for all or some of the hours they are typically scheduled to work, we will provide administrative leave or other approved leave until at least the end of the semester, May 22. Guidance on timesheets is included in my March 27 communication. As always, please contact your supervisor or HR staff if you have questions about how to complete your timesheet.
I appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we continue to receive new guidance and implement measures that put the health and safety of our community first. As a reminder, please continue to consult for the latest updates and information.
Jewel M. Washington
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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