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Volcanic Venus

Study Changes View of Planet Once Considered Geologically Inactive


Understanding Quantum Speed Limits

Research to Determine How Fast Quantum Information Moves Could Aid Development of Quantum Computers

COVID-19 Information

Pandemic Paradox

Despite Preparing for Decades, U.S. Response Merits a C-minus ‘at Best,’ Public Health Dean Says


Postcard Power Rocks the Vote

Pennsylvania Registration Effort Shows Promise in Recruiting New Voters


After Campaign Led by UMD Researcher, WHO Changes Course

New Recommendations Acknowledge Possibility of Airborne Transmission


START Report: Global Terrorist Violence Continues to Fall

Lethality of Racially and Ethnically Motivated Attacks Rose in 2019, UMD Researcher Finds


Uncovering How COVID-19 Changed Work

$200K NSF Grant to Fund Study of Employment-Related Mobility, Job Loss and Creation


Study: Physical Activity Prevents Depression in Older Adults During COVID-19

Even Walking Can Combat Mental Health Problems Caused by Social Isolation


Different Viruses, Similar Outcomes

Public Health Researcher’s Review Traces Common Thread of Inequality Between Pandemics a Century Apart


UMD-Led Team Awarded $10M to Modernize Shellfish Farming

Smart Tech Has Potential to Improve Industry’s Sustainability, Economic Impact


Honey Bee Losses Reach Record Highs, Survey Finds

UMD Researchers, Partners Find Unusually High Summer, Low Winter Hits to Survival


Detained Indefinitely

Research Shows No-Bond/No-Release Policy Puts Vulnerable Population at Risk

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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.