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Amid a Frozen World, a Data Desert

Scientists Make Urgent Plea for Better Understanding of How Changing Snowscapes Affect Arctic Wildlife


The “Loosening of America”

Research Examines Positive and Negative Impacts of Relaxed Cultural Standards


Pathfinding Prof

Mountaintop Meeting Spurs Computerized Collaboration on Runner’s Project to Hit Every San Francisco Street


Machine Learning Helps Target Cancer Patients for Immunotherapy

Approach Could Reduce Dangerous, Costly Treatment Failures


Suffragists, Scientists and Scholars

Gibran Chair Launches Site Showcasing Arab Women Pioneers


Saving Citrus?

Professor Develops New Approach to Halt Disease Threatening Florida Farms—and Your Morning OJ


Honey Bee Predators: Werewolves, Not Vampires

UMD-led Research Upends Old Assumptions on the Eating Habits of a Primary Threat to Pollinators


Campus, State Leaders Launch Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices

UMD-UMB Collaboration Will Address Pressing Health Needs


UMD-Led Team Maps “Light Echoes” of Black Hole

Findings Give New Insight Into How Material Is Pulled Into Gravitational Singularity


Op/Ed: Women Who Ran for Congress Avoided Women Issues in Their Ads

Communications Researchers Find Female Candidates Instead Projected Power


Poll: Public Support Grows for One-State Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

UMD Research Also Finds Polarization on U.S.’ Role as Mediator


More Women Giving Birth Outside of Hospitals, Research Finds

Data Show Rate of Births at Home and in Birth Centers Hits 30-Year High

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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.