Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Maryland Stadium Event to Honor 12,600 Students
Current Vaccination Status Still Required; Second Boosters Not Mandatory
Building Designed to Inspire Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Research Across Disciplines
Students Can Donate Gently Used Appliances, Accessories to Benefit Other Terps
Architecture Student Designs Imagine an Autonomous Aerial Future
Student Dog Park Analysis Aims to Get Tails Wagging in Prince George’s County
Try Cuddling Canines, Mindful Meditating or Picking Up a Paintbrush
Participants Pause in the Woods for ‘Nature-Informed Therapy’ Hosted by Kinesiology Grad Program
Hearing and Speech Clinic Partnership With Local Agency Provides Hearing Aids to Over 150 Holocaust Survivors
In Airy Shared Space, Creativity and Collaboration Flourish
After Hiatus, Maryland Day Returns to Campus With Festive Flair
Plan Would Reduce Runoff, Expand Green Space, Emphasize Campus Creek
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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