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How to Look Like a Hero: Mask Up

Public Health Student Group’s New Video Encourages Kids to Stay Safe by Wearing Face Coverings

By Maryland Today Staff

During the COVID-19 crisis, children can be leaders in modeling effective health behaviors for their peers—and adults.

A new video for youth demonstrates proper ways of making and using face coverings to reduce the risk of virus transmission. Research Professor Dina Borzekowski from the School of Public Health directed UMD’s Public Health Without Borders students and local high school students Hemakshi Gordy and Jansikwe Medina-Tayac in producing it, and illustrator and author Peter Reynolds created a new character, Mighty Max, just for this video.




Schools & Departments:

School of Public Health

Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.