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Cartoon Guide

Drawn to Explain Evolution

Student’s Cartoon Map Traces Changes in Lions and Turtles and Dinos, Oh My!

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Stink Bugs

Bugged Out

Entomology Researchers Turn to Public for Help Collecting Stink Bugs

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Huang Yi

Do the Robot

Dancer Explores Human-Technology Relationship

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Testuda DNA

What Makes Terrapins Tick

Faculty and Freshmen Sequence Mascot’s DNA

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Big Impact

Moon Mystery

Scientists Find Evidence Cosmic Collision Formed Moon

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Social Sickness

Social Sickness

Researcher Links Racism, Physical Wellness

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Don’t Say No to Solo

Fears of Looking Friendless Rob You of Fun, Study Says

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Clear Solution

What If You Developed a Way to Save Thousands of Lives—and No One Was Interested?

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First LOOK

Clarice Partnership Turns Theater Into Incubator

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Back in Orbit

Pluto Mission Scientist’s Second Try at UMD Propels Career into Space

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Questioning the Bomb

Poster Exhibition Takes on Nuclear Proliferation

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National Parks

Data of the Land

UMD Professor Supports Digital Efforts for National Parks

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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.