Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Students Can Now Take an Online Course From Any of Seven Universities, With Fees Waived
New Program at Shady Grove to Meet Region’s Growing Biotech Demand
New Funding, Initiatives to Reimagine and Reshape the Future of Teaching and Learning
Grants Support Recipients Struggling With Pandemic-spurred Job Losses
Independent Review by Cleaning Industry Group Recognizes Skill, Professionalism
Daily Parking Permit Introduced for Employees, Students With Blended Arrangements
Renovation, Expansion Will Integrate Career Services, Academics and Advising
New Smart Sensors to Provide Real-Time Picture of Campus Stormwater
At 30, the Americans With Disabilities Act Has Opened Doors, But Still Meets Resistance, Professor Says
New Federal Policy Restricts Their Access; President Announces Creation of ADA Coordinator Position
Pines Begins Presidency Masked, Motivated and on the Move
New President Outlines Vision for Transformed University
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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