Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Inaugural ‘Shop Made in Maryland’ Part of Greater College Park Initiative
Pines: 12 Initiatives Improved Student Experience, Increased Inclusion, Advanced University
Dozens of Specialties Placed in Top 25 Nationwide
UMD Fencing Club’s New Equipment Allows Athletes Who Use Wheelchairs to Participate in Sport
Priorities Focus on Improving Public Safety Efforts for Campus Community, Creating Collaborative Partnerships
Free Rapid Tests Available; People Returning to Campus From Areas With High COVID-19 Community Levels Advised to Test
UMD’s Student Life Hub Welcomes 14,000 People Each Day to Eat, Play and Meet—All Thanks to Its Small Army of Full-Time and Student Employees
Sportswriter Honors Past With Reminders of Social Justice Struggles
Terp Thon Raises $275K for ‘Miracle Kids’
New UMPD Crisis Intervention Team Trained to Sensitively Respond to Mental Health Issues
Nearly 9K Donors Participate in Annual Philanthropy Marathon
Harriet Tubman Day Event Commemorates, Revitalizes Historic Figure
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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