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Tag the Testudos Tomorrow, Match Them Here Today

New Scavenger Hunt to Give Students Fun, Fast Education on Mascot

By Maryland Today Staff

Testudo statue

Photo by Stephanie S. Cordle; illustrations below by Jason Keisling

Rubbing Testudo's nose brings good luck during finals week, according to student lore.

Midterms are here. It’s a good time to stock up on good luck from Testudo.

Rubbing the nose of one of the seven bronze Testudos around campus for luck before finals may be the best-known tradition at the University of Maryland. But first, you have to know where they are.

University Recreation and Wellness has organized “Tag the Testudos,” a scavenger hunt tomorrow to help undergraduate and graduate students track down six of the statues. (The one at Maryland Stadium must be traveling to Iowa for the football game.) In other words, they can get a mini Terps education, healthy outdoor activity—see the RecWell connection—and some swag.

Check-in will be held outside the front entrance of the Eppley Recreation Center from noon to 2 p.m., and the first 100 students there will receive a free Tag the Testudos T-shirt. Participants must get a turtle hole punch on their “passport” from a staffer at each of the statues, then turn it in by 3 p.m. to be eligible for prizes. Visit here for more details.

We won’t show you a map, but—shh!—we do have Testudo’s clues being distributed tomorrow, in case you want a head start.

You can even match them to the illustrations below for a further jump on the crowd. Being a terrapin doesn’t mean you have to be slow.

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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.