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Pines Takes a ‘Do Good’ Tour

President Gets Close-up View of Researchers Tackling Grand Challenges

By Maryland Today Staff

Whether battling food insecurity, bolstering learning in underserved areas or fighting climate change, projects supported by the University of Maryland’s Grand Challenges Grant program are doing good in communities around the state. President Darryll J. Pines recently visited three of them to see the work first-hand.

His journey took him to an urban farm in Baltimore, where researchers with the Global FEWture Alliance are working with residents to harvest rainwater to grow crops. A visit to UMD’s own golf course showed scientists affiliated with the Climate Resilience Network studying how to keep greenhouse gases locked in wetlands rather than warming the atmosphere. At an elementary school in Adelphi, Md., Pines observed work by researchers with the Maryland Initiative for Literacy and Equity (MILE) aimed at improving teaching methods for dual-language students.

This latest installment of “Enterprise: University of Maryland Research Stories” zeroes in on the dedication of Terp experts to using their knowledge to address society’s biggest challenges.



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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.