Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
President Says Decisions Put Health, Safety First
Photo by Stephanie S. Cordle
One week before the Fall 2020 semester starts, President Darryll J. Pines tells the campus community, "I have faith that we have put the strongest possible plan in place."
President Darryll J. Pines sent the following message to the campus community this morning:
Over the past several weeks, we have communicated with you many times about such important matters as COVID-19 testing, healthy behaviors and student conduct expectations. We announced the postponement of all fall intercollegiate athletics and a two-week delay in the resumption of undergraduate in-person instruction. There has also been a dizzying amount of information in the media about case counts and positivity rates at other leading universities, and the availability of testing nationally, in the state of Maryland and right here in Prince George's County.
A Challenging Time for All of Us
I understand all of this can be overwhelming. I know many of you—students, faculty and staff alike—face uncertainty in your own personal and professional lives. Some of you are anxious to return to school and work, to grasp onto some sense of renewed normalcy. Studies, including a survey of our incoming class, show that a significant majority of students want to return to campus. At the same time, a significant number of faculty and staff report unease at returning to campus. I have heard passionate and compelling arguments from advocates on both sides of this issue. And through it all, we are actively listening to public health officials, as our knowledge of the virus expands in real time.
I am writing to you today to share how we have made decisions about the fall semester and the considerations that will shape how we make future decisions. I reiterate to you today our promise to be transparent in our decision-making, and to strive to keep all of you informed as we move forward together.
Where We Are Today
It is our hope and expectation that the fall semester will be a combination of in-person, hybrid and online instruction with appropriate, physically distanced academic opportunities for our students. We are pursuing this approach because we believe that the full richness of a university journey comes from an on-campus environment, where a community of scholars, students and staff unite for an academic, research, residential, social and athletic experience. Faculty, staff and students have been working together for months to make every accommodation to make this a reality, including:
These are just a few of the prudent and necessary measures we have taken in preparation for the fall semester. Now, as the first day of classes nears, how will we meet these challenges?
On Decision-Making
Here is what every member of our community should expect: Some members of our community will test positive for COVID-19. And some members will fall short of our expectations of healthy behaviors. Our approach to the fall semester does not rest on unrealistic expectations of a 0% positivity rate and a 100% compliance rate. Our approach does, however, depend heavily on shared community responsibility.
Our decision to resume and maintain in-person instruction, our decision to continue to house students on campus, and our decision to continue to offer on-campus social opportunities will rest on a number of key factors, including, but not limited to, the following:
Why Reopen Our Physical Campus?
I have heard the argument that higher education decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic are driven either by safety or money. I do not agree. It is possible to prioritize health and safety in decision-making, while still working to provide our students an academically and socially rich on-campus experience and preserving the jobs and livelihoods of people who have served our campus community for years. We have consistently made decisions that put health first. We purposefully reduced the occupancy of our residence halls. We supported the Big Ten Conference decision to postpone fall sports. We have moved to fully online education for the first two weeks. And we invested heavily in free campus-wide testing for every member of our community. Collectively, these decisions illustrate how much we have prioritized the health, safety and well-being of students, faculty and staff, even at significant expense.
The university now faces a sizable deficit as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have fought hard to minimize the impact on the livelihoods of our faculty and staff. When we transitioned to a fully online environment last spring, hundreds of union and non-union staff were left unable to work because they needed to be physically on campus to perform their duties. And yet we continued to pay their full salaries. Because this is not about money. It's about each one of you.
You are the University of Maryland! Almost two-thirds of our campus budget goes to salaries for thousands of hard-working staff and faculty across our campus—the very same people who help make Maryland the extraordinary community that we are all so proud of.
However, if our deficit continues to climb, our ability to continue to pay all staff will be severely diminished. The deep layoffs, furloughs and salary reductions that we have fought so hard to minimize would become inevitable.
Our decisions have been, and will continue to be, guided by the shared governance principles adopted by the University Senate related to managing our budgetary shortfalls and operating our campus during the COVID-19 pandemic:
So, when people ask me why I want to reopen our physical campus, this is what I tell them. Because I believe we must rise to the challenge of living with a virus that will likely be with us for some time. Because I believe our students deserve an academically and socially rich on-campus experience. Because I want to protect the livelihoods of our amazing faculty and staff who depend on the university for their economic well-being. And because I believe we can do all of this while we maintain our priority on the health and safety of all campus citizens.
I have faith that we have put the strongest possible plan in place. It's now up to us. Together. TerrapinSTRONG.
Darryll J. Pines
President, University of Maryland
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