Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
New Buildings, Transportation Improvements Create Temporary Detours and Closures
Photo by Eric Kruszewski
A panorama of UMD reveals campus's changing face, with new academic buildings and residence halls rising.
Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer Carlo Colella sent the following email to the campus community today:
We are thrilled to see so many members of our community on campus this summer. I hope you can take the opportunity to view significant progress on exciting construction projects, including Jones-Hill House, the E.A. Fernandez IDEA Factory (opening later this year) and the School of Public Policy Building (opening in 2022), as well as the newest residence hall on campus, Pyon-Chen Hall (opening this month). The Purple Line project also continues to make progress, with crews working at various sites on and off campus.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we complete these projects. We try our best to minimize inconvenience to the campus community, and at the same time, we must put in place some temporary detours, changes and closures for your safety. Please use caution when moving around campus and follow all posted signs and flaggers when traveling near construction areas.
Here are the major construction impacts to be aware of as you plan your travel to, from and around campus:
Baltimore Avenue Improvement Project
The Maryland State Highway Administration is improving Baltimore Avenue from College Avenue to University Boulevard (Route 193); enhancements include a planted median with turn lanes, accessible sidewalks, updated pedestrian lighting and bike lanes. The section from Campus Drive south should be completed later this year; the section from Campus Drive north will undergo construction through 2023. Expect lane closures and restrictions on Baltimore Avenue during non-peak hours, and please use caution when traveling through the area.
Campus Drive Underpass
Two lanes of Campus Drive remain closed at the WMATA Metro and CSX track underpass east of Baltimore Avenue. One lane remains open in each direction. Use caution when traveling through the area.
College Park Metro Station and Bus Loop Closure
The College Park Metro Station is closed for platform maintenance until Sept. 6. Shuttles are available to transport riders to open stations. The bus loop at the Metro station remains closed for construction. Bus stops have been relocated to River Road and to the east entrance of the station near the intersection of Calvert Road and Columbia Avenue. Consult Shuttle UM and WMATA route schedules for details.
Union Drive in Lots 1b and Z
A portion of Union Drive is closed in Lots 1b and Z. Please follow detour signs and allow extra time to navigate the area.
Presidential Drive
The portion of Presidential Drive closest to Campus Drive remains closed. To access Lots 1 and 3 during the closure, take Campus Drive to Mowatt Circle and navigate to Championship Lane.
Baltimore Avenue Crosswalk Closure at Rossborough Lane
The crosswalk across Baltimore Avenue at Rossborough Lane is closed until late August. Follow the detour to cross at Hotel Drive or Fraternity Row.
Stadium Drive/Chemistry Lane
One lane of Stadium Drive will be closed for the fall semester. The sidewalk on the south side of Stadium Drive will be closed from late August through 2023. Chemistry Lane will be closed for an extended period.
As our university footprint continues to change, you may also see progress on several other projects, including renovations in the Chemistry and Physics buildings, the Johnson-Whittle Residence Hall and new dining facility opening in 2022, and the City of College Park City Hall, which will include office space for university employees, also opening in 2022. Information about the status of campus construction projects can be found on our construction projects map.
Thank you for your patience while we make significant progress toward our goals for our campus and the surrounding community.
Carlo Colella
Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer
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