Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
By Terp Staff
"Save As” a Memory
I believe that I was the first to use a word processor for a PhD thesis in 1969–70, and I did it at UMD. The physics department acquired an IBM 360/44 in 1968 for the Maryland Cyclotron, and I used it to publish my PhD thesis, which printed out on the computer’s selectric console.
Attached is a photo of me running the machine typing my thesis, and my thesis can be viewed here:
Enjoyed the article.
Dave Nelson Ph.D. ’70
Negative Promotion
There are a lot of alumni who provide positive contributions to the world that could get on your cover.
I was shocked that UMD would have a cover that promotes addiction and unhealthy lifestyles of their students and alumni. You should be ashamed to promote that UMD is still a drinking hole, where students become addicted to life!
Nancie Park M.A. ’75, Ph.D. ’75
What About Wine?
I really enjoyed your article on Terp-owned breweries. If you ever want to do a story on Terp-owned wineries, I started Mountain Run Winery out in Culpeper, Va., in 2016. I spent seven years at UMD from 2001 to 2008 and deployed to Iraq for 22 months right after getting my doctorate (not lots of people go from school to Iraq to the wine biz!)
David Foster Ph.D. ’08
Glorifying Beer
Really!? A Terp magazine covered in pictures of beer? When at least one underage student at some university dies every year from too much alcohol consumption, you glorify the beverage by covering the front of this magazine with it? I’m all for craft breweries but let the article be on some other magazine. I am very disappointed.
Diane Ballai
Another Terp Brewer
I really enjoyed your article “Terps on Tap.” I thought you might be interested in another Terp on Tap: My daughter Cheryl Lubbert ’89 and her husband, Jim Garlach, make a very different brew called Perry made from Asian pears that they grow on their farm, Nashi Orchards, on Vashon Island, near Seattle, Wash. It has been in the papers in their area, but few know about Perry wine on this coast.
Charlotte Lubbert ’64
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