Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Students Can Elect to Receive Earned Grades
Photo by John T. Consoli
UMD announced today that graduate students have the option to be graded satisfactory/fail (S/F) this semester unless the student elects to receive an earned grade for the course.
Provost and Senior Vice President Mary Ann Rankin and Associate Provost and Graduate School Dean Steve Fetter sent the following message to faculty today:
As we continue to navigate this uncharted territory and make difficult decisions that are in the best interest of the health and safety of our community, as well as the academic integrity of our university, I write to share with you a new grading policy for graduate courses for the Spring 2020 semester. I want to thank you again for your flexibility and understanding as we make these unprecedented changes to how we teach and learn.
All graduate courses in Spring 2020 will be graded satisfactory/fail (S/F) unless the student elects to receive an earned grade for the course.
Students will have the opportunity to choose to receive an earned letter grade in each class and may make that choice until the last day of spring semester classes, May 12. A new website is being created for this purpose. Faculty will not know if a student has chosen to receive a letter grade.
The website is available to you for additional guidance and resources regarding online course delivery. Please continue to follow the CDC and UMD guidelines, and check for updates. If you have non-medical questions specific to UMD and coronavirus you can email . If you have a medical question or concern, please contact your physician.
I hope you and your families are staying safe and well, and thank you again for your tremendous partnership and cooperation as we prepare for classes to begin on Monday.
Mary Ann Rankin
Senior Vice President and Provost
Steve Fetter
Associate Provost and Dean, Graduate School
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