Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
A Serving of Trivia on UMD’s History in Food and Drink
By Lauren Brown
UMD students this fall are digesting the biggest change in Dining Services in decades, with the introduction of “anytime dining.” All resident dining plans now provide unlimited access to the three dining halls—students can eat as often and as much as they like. Carryout has ended, taking an estimated 6.3 million disposable products out of the waste stream annually. Besides sustainability, another goal is to eliminate food insecurity, since under the old system, some students ran out of dining points before the semester ended.
Joe Mullineaux ’95, senior associate director of Dining Services (and a 39-year employee!), says the new system provides more healthy options and variety, including made-to-order smoothies and at least seven flavor-infused waters, as well as a more community-like atmosphere.
That got us thinking: What else in dining has changed over the years?
Thanks to Mullineaux and colleague Bart Hipple, and Anne Turkos and Jason Speck in University Archives, we found out. And we almost choked on our Roy Rogers fried chicken from the Stamp.
1859 – Maryland Agricultural College opens. Students grow its produce outside what’s now the Rossborough Inn.
1901 – Mess hall requirements include “gentlemanly manners.” Complaints about wait service must be made in writing through “proper military channels.”
912 – Kitchen and pantries are known as “Charlie Dory’s resort,” named for the longtime chief cook—and the sauna-like heat. (Dory descendants have worked for Dining Services ever since.)
1924 – UMD begins producing its own ice cream.
1927 – Dining Hall Courtesies: Freshmen must line up in twos on lower steps of dining hall. 2. Freshmen must not sit at heads of the tables unless authorized to do so by an upperclassmen. 3. Freshmen must fold their arms during announcements.
1932 – Students treated at the infirmary can have meals delivered from Dining Hall #1 (LeFrak Hall) for $1.
1949 – Wendell Arbuckle, known as “Dr. Ice Cream,” appointed professor in charge of dairy manufacturing.
1950 – Dining halls serve two entrees per meal, such as fried chicken and liver. Taking food from dining halls after 7 p.m. closure nets one week of work in dish room, or adjudication before student conduct panel.
1955 – Student Union opens, offering coffee, doughnuts and snacks via the “Terp Inn.”
1960 – Male students must wear a jacket and tie to Sunday dinner, which ends at noon and is the last meal served that day.
1960s – Rioting antiwar students overturn food delivery trucks, prompting escort of National Guardsmen.
1965 – A state legislative subcommittee investigates student complaints about the food, staff and operation of the dining halls. In an interim report, the group acknowledged the issue wasn’t one it could “be deeply involved in.”
1967 – Ill-fated Terrapin Cola introduced. One student describes it as “RC with garlic added.”
1970 – Students demand and get china and glassware replaced with Styrofoam, saying it’s cleaner.
1970s – Salad bar offers iceberg lettuce, carrot and celery sticks, and three kinds of dressing. (Today, students can find at least 45 items there.)
1974 – Lowering of legal drinking age to 18 prompts boozy changes: Special dinners include five-cent glasses of beer, pumped from kegs in the dining halls. On Fridays, dining halls distribute ice and heavy-duty trash bags to keep kegs cold at residence-hall parties. The Pub opens in the student union, able to tap 200 kegs at once and hold 2,000 students.
1977 – Terabac Room opens in the Cambridge dining hall, with live bands, musical theater and dancing. It has a dress code, candles and tablecloths and sells upscale beers like Heineken (for 85 cents) and trendy food including quiche, crepes and fondue.
1978 – “Animal House” prompts surge of food fights. Fliers in dorms prompt students to wear raincoats to meals. Dining hall staffers complain about lengthy cleanups.
1982 – The Pub hosts wet T-shirt contests.
1993 – Renovation of Byrd Stadium, now Maryland Stadium, ends sales of concession from outdoor trailers without running water (and before then, from temporary shacks).
2007 – First rooftop garden grown on the Diner, to supplement herbs served in meals.
2010 – Farmers Market opens in front of Cole Field House.
2013 – Green Tidings food truck starts serving gourmet, sustainable food at sites around campus. (Hazelnut-crusted vegan burger, anyone?)
2014 – Terp Farm in Upper Marlboro begins growing organic produce for use on campus. Dairy sales move from Turner Hall to the Stamp, with 24 rotating flavors (like VaniLoh Mango).
2015 – Beer concessions start in Xfinity Center and Maryland Stadium. First kosher concession stand on U.S. university campus opens in Xfinity.
Photos Courtesy of University Archives, John T. Consoli and Dani Klein
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