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Symposium Shares Information—and Fights Misinformation—About Epidemic
Photos by Stephanie S. Cordle
Cynthia Baur, endowed professor and Horowitz Center for Health Literacy director, addresses concerns about the international coronavirus outbreak at a School of Public Health symposium yesterday. Below, Dean Boris Lushniak, M.D. speaks at the event.
As the coronavirus outbreak continues to expand around the world, and definitive answers trail behind rising numbers of diagnosed cases, a School of Public Health symposium yesterday sought to shed some light on the emerging disease, its impact and the steps being taken to contain it and ultimately stop it.
In front of several hundred audience members in the Stamp Student Union’s Hoff Theater and with hundreds more watching online, University of Maryland experts talked about what is known—risk in the United States remains relatively low—what isn’t, and what public health scientists and advocates are doing in the face of this epidemic.
The panel included presentations from Dean Boris Lushniak, M.D.; environmental health Professor Donald Milton, M.D.; Professor and Chair of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Hongjie Liu; and Endowed Professor and Horowitz Center for Health Literacy Director Cynthia Baur. Principal Associate Dean Dushanka Kleinman, D.D.S. moderated the event, providing context about the role public health experts can play in communicating clearly about the disease and collaborating to stem its spread.
If you missed it, here are five facts you might not have known about the disease:
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