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‘Chart’ a Course for Registering, Voting This Election Season

Get Fast Facts on How, When and Where to Make Your Voice Heard

By Maryland Today Staff

hand places ballot in ballot box, "Voter" logo, and red, white and blue state of Maryland

Illustrations and infographic by Valerie Morgan

Election Day is just over three weeks away. Unless you've been holed up in McKeldin's stacks for two years and blocking out the world, you know a highly consequential presidential race is entering its final stretch.

Do you have a plan to register and vote? And, no, it can't be to wander into the Stamp on Nov. 5 and ask how to cast a ballot for your out-of-state district.

Terps came out in force to vote in the 2020 presidential election, with 71.3% of eligible UMD students participating, up more than 10 points from four years earlier and significantly higher than the 66% rate at colleges nationwide, according to the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education.

TerpsVote, a nonpartisan initiative that aims to boost civic engagement at UMD, hopes to boost the number this year.

[‘Mobile-izing’ a New Generation to the Ballot Box]

But if you’re a first-time voter, the swirl of deadlines, residency rules and voting methods may be making you lose your sense of direction. Not to worry: Follow this flow chart to help navigate your role in the 2024 election.

Download text file for 2024 Voting Flowchart
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Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.