Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
New, Renovated Buildings Rising All Over UMD
Photo by Stephanie S. Cordle
Work continues on the 60,000-square-foot E.A. Fernandez IDEA Factory, one of several large residential and academic buildings under construction on different sides of campus.
There’s a bit less bustle around our de-densified campus this fall, but from the rumble of cranes to the roar of machinery digging out foundations to the shouts of construction crews ringing across a job site, it’s not exactly quiet at the University of Maryland.
Several large residential and academic buildings are rising simultaneously on different sides of campus, while major renovations and maintenance projects proceed apace, meaning that when UMD inevitably fills back up, it’s going to look different to many.
Bill Olen, executive director of planning and construction for Facilities Management, gives Maryland Today a virtual tour of the major work under way.
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