Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
The University of Maryland was ranked No. 15 among U.S. public institutions and No. 31 among all U.S. institutions in the 2019 Best Global Universities Rankings released yesterday by U.S. News & World Report.
Besides moving up one notch apiece in those categories, the university also placed No. 51 on the overall list of the top 1,250 universities across 75 countries, down one place.
The fifth annual rankings are designed to help guide students exploring higher education options outside of their home country. They focus on schools’ academic research and reputation, not their separate undergraduate or graduate programs.
U.S. News in addition ranked the top global universities in 22 subject areas, and Maryland ranked highly in geoscience (No. 14), physics (No. 15), environment/ecology (No. 23), space science (No. 30) and economics and business (No. 31).
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