Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Rythee Lambert-Jones, interim assistant vice president, University Human Resources, sent the following email to faculty and staff today:
President Pines has extended Spring Break for faculty and staff by granting Administrative Leave for Thursday, March 18 and Friday, March 19.
Some "essential" staff may be expected to report to work as usual. Nonexempt "essential" employees will receive compensatory time or additional pay for the portion of any regularly scheduled shift that is covered by the extension of Spring Break granted for March 18 and 19, in addition to their hours worked.
PHR timesheets and faculty leave records for all full-time regular and contingent II employees will include administrative leave on March 18 and 19 (eight hours on each day). For part-time employees, supervisors should record the appropriate hours of administrative leave based on the employee's schedule.
Employees who are approved for paid leave on March 18 and/or 19 are eligible for this administrative leave. Bargaining unit staff members who have scheduled a professional development day on March 18 or 19 should contact Staff Relations at 301.405.0001 to reschedule.
Employees who are in an unpaid leave status on their prior scheduled workday, and who are not required to work on March 18 and/or 19, are not eligible for this administrative leave.
Also note that Friday, March 19 is a state of Maryland payday. Payroll Services distributed instructions to PHR creators and approvers about the paycheck distribution scheduled for Friday, March 19 at the Chesapeake Building. If you receive a paper paycheck, you should check with your departmental payroll coordinator.
If you have questions, please contact the University Human Resources Support Center at
Enjoy your spring break!
Rythee Lambert-Jones
Interim Assistant Vice President,
University Human Resources
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