Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
The Department of Resident Life has extended its annual Terp Toy Drive through Friday, encouraging UMD students, parents and faculty to donate and help spread holiday cheer in the local community.
The event, which has provided more than 20,000 gifts to families in need since 1996, supports the City of College Park Youth and Family Services. It strives to collect 900 gift bags this year.
Terps can stop by residence hall service desks to pick up a gift bag to fill, or they can use the donation form to have a bag delivered to them at a campus location. Bags come labeled with an age range and list of suggested gifts. Donors can drop off filled bags at a service desk or request a pickup from an on-campus location.
Those wishing to donate can also purchase gifts on the Amazon Wish List, and items will be delivered to a Resident Life service desk.
Gifts for children ranging from newborns to 18-year-olds must be new, such as bottles, blankets, clothing, stuffed animals, games and school supplies.
For more information, contact the Terp Toy Drive Committee through the inquiry form or call Brittany Marxen or Donna Metz at 301.226.4830.
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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