Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Robert L. Caret, chancellor of the University System of Maryland, invites the campus community to attend an open forum with the search committee for the next University of Maryland president from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Stamp Student Union atrium.
In a letter emailed yesterday to campus, he wrote that the forum is an opportunity for students, faculty and staff to share their perspectives on the qualities, attributes and experiences sought in the next university president. UMD President Wallace D. Loh is set to step down in June 2020.
This event is part of a larger series of meetings wherein the search committee and search firm Isaacson, Miller will meet with the University Senate, Student Government Association, and Graduate Student Association; the academic deans; President’s Cabinet; and the Alumni Association Board of Governors, Foundation Trustees, and College Park Community members.
Regent Gary Attman and College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Dean Gregory Ball will serve as chair and vice chair, respectively, of the search committee. They will attend the forum along with the other members of the search committee who represent a cross-section of the university community and beyond.
Those unable to attend may send an email with their thoughts to
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