Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
By Laura Cech
The University of Maryland has created a new branch of its Fellows Program to prepare undergraduates for careers in local and state public service.
The approximately 50 students in the inaugural cohort of Maryland Fellows will spend the fall semester studying civic leadership and human services, political engagement and advocacy, or legislative writing for the Maryland General Assembly. During the spring semester, students will intern at local and state government agencies and nonprofits. The program also provides professional development opportunities, site visits and conversations with policy makers.
“The mission of the UMD Fellows Program as a whole is to offer a powerful bridge to the real world and a myriad of opportunities to do good in the world,” said Joan Burton, director of the UMD Fellows Program. “We are delighted to add this new branch for students passionate about exploring ways to have a positive impact and meet humanity’s grand challenges at the state and local levels.”
The Maryland branch is a collaboration with the Department of English’s General Assembly Writing internship and the Department of Government and Politics.
In all, more than 260 students are in the Maryland, Federal and Global branches of the UMD Fellows Program, a 37% increase in students from the previous year.
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