Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Starting in Fall 2021, the University of Maryland will introduce a new undergraduate minor, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) that will prepare computer science and engineering graduates for the evolving demands of STEM fields.
One of only a few robotics programs for undergraduates in the country, it will be administered by the Maryland Robotics Center, part of the Institute for Systems Research within the A. James Clark School of Engineering.
To enter the 21- or 22-credit minor program, students must be juniors or seniors in Fall 2021 and have passed several prerequisite classes. Qualified students in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and computer science are eligible to apply to the program.
“Our mission is to advance robotic systems, underlying component technologies and applications of robotics through research and educational programs that are interdisciplinary in nature and based on a systems approach,” said MRC Director and aerospace engineering Professor Derek Paley.
The RAS minor will teach students about robotics design, control and programming, as well as integrating robotics and autonomous systems. They will gain practical skills through coursework, group projects and research, with an emphasis on hands-on experiences, while interacting with academic, corporate and governmental leaders in robotics.
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