Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
If you’re attending Commencement on Friday, how about arriving by bike? (Just don’t get your gown tangled in the chain.)
That’s the day commuters and bike riders across the Washington, D.C., area are encouraged to get on their two wheels as part of Bike to Work Day, coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. A “pit stop” will be set up on campus in front of Regents Drive Garage from 3 to 6 p.m., hosted by the Department of Transportation Services (DOTS).
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the regional event, which promotes the health and environmental benefits of biking to work—or simply as a lifestyle as many continue to work from home.
Participants who register in advance will receive a free T-shirt at the pit stop of their choosing. Other stops in Prince George’s County include Riverdale Park Station, Magruder Park in Hyattsville and Duvall Field in College Park. There are more than 100 pit stops across the region in total. Those who’d like to participate but don’t own a bike can pick one up from a Capital Bikeshare station.
UMD has twice been designated a gold-level “Bicycle-Friendly University” by the League of American Bicyclists, and bicycling is key to DOTS’ and the university’s goals to reduce single-occupancy vehicles on campus and promote sustainable transportation. “We strive to nurture and grow our bike community, provide amenities, and improve biking conditions on and around campus,” said Marta Woldu, acting assistant director for sustainability at DOTS.
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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