Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
Jewel M. Washington, assistant vice president for human resources, sent the following email to the campus community today:
Now that our fall semester is well under way, I am writing to provide an update on several important topics.
Use of Leave
COVID-19 administrative leave will no longer be available for use beginning Oct. 1, 2020. All employees should be working or in an approved leave status.
For questions on any of the leave options described above or to discuss reasonable accommodations under Americans with Disabilities Act, contact the UHR Leave Management Team at for more information.
Talent Share
The University of Maryland is responding to the challenges of COVID-19 by creating a way to share talent and expertise across our campus. As a result of our changing work environment, some employees are experiencing an increased workload while others may have increased availability.
To help bridge that gap, University Human Resources has created a new Talent Share Program. Talent Share supports departments in need by connecting the department with campus employees who have the availability and the desire to help in other areas that need temporary support. To find out more about this program, please visit the Talent Share Program website and complete a Talent Share Request or Interest form.
Face Coverings
It is very important that all members of the university community practice the 4 Maryland behaviors that will help to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The Support Center in University Human Resources has recently received questions about face coverings, so I am offering a reminder that was sent on Aug. 17. This message has some very good information that explains how face coverings guard against the spread of COVID-19, how to properly wear face coverings and how to clean them. Our colleagues in the Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability and Risk also have additional resources on Working Safely During COVID-19 that explain the differences between a face mask, a surgical mask and a respirator.
There are many additional resources for the campus community to learn more about campus health and safety measures, as well as answers to the many questions our community has about this historic and unprecedented time:
The University Human Resources website has extensive information about working during COVID-19, and our staff are available for questions from employees.
Jewel M. Washington
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.
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