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Baltimore Avenue Lane Closures Scheduled for Purple Line Track Crossing

By Maryland Today Staff

The contractor building the state’s light-rail Purple Line will close two lanes of Baltimore Avenue in College Park from Hotel Drive to Fraternity Row from on or about March 17 through May 19 to facilitate construction of the tracks across the street. One lane of travel will be open in each direction. See this map for details and sidewalk detours.

Allow additional time for travel through this area as construction continues on this transit project, which will connect Montgomery and Prince George’s counties and provide new transportation options to the campus community.

To find the most up-to-date road closures and detours, visit UMD’s Purple Line website for impacts on campus and the official Purple Line website for impacts beyond campus. If you have questions or encounter issues while traveling around campus, including accessibility concerns, contact

To subscribe to text alerts when a significant sidewalk or roadway closure is scheduled by the Purple Line, use your mobile phone to text the keyword “UMDPURPLE” (not case-sensitive) to 888777.

Maryland Today is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications for the University of Maryland community on weekdays during the academic year, except for university holidays.