Produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications
The University of Maryland Sustainability Fund will cultivate a new crop of projects this year with $665,000 in seed money available to support campus improvements, student engagement and sustainability-focused research.
The University Sustainability Council is accepting applications from students, faculty and staff for the 2023-24 Sustainability Fund for projects that benefit green initiatives on campus and beyond. The priority deadline for applications is Oct. 15 with a final deadline of Jan. 15.
Since 2011, more than $3.5 million in grants have fueled 175 UMD-grown sustainability projects, including Terp Farm, McKeldin Library’s Biowall, invasive species research and the establishment of the Terp to Terp Campus Reuse Store. Last year, nearly $300,000 funded scholarships for students working in low- or no-paid sustainability internships, improvements to the campus Community Learning Garden, the expansion of UMD’s glass recycling infrastructure and more.
Applicants can choose from Sustainability Fund Grants (for projects over $2,000), mini-grants (for projects less than $2,000) and Student Facilities Fund grants, which back projects specifically geared to enhance the student experience at UMD.
Grants are supported by student fees and administered through the University Sustainability Council.
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